U.A. Plumbers Local No. 72

Atlanta, Georgia

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Plumbers Local 72 celebrated 125 years of “Building onto a Tradition of Piping Excellence for Atlanta and Northern Georgia” in November 2016 with a gala event at the Atlanta Aquarium with the assistance of Union Histories — including a History Book documenting the local’s entire 125 years.

Union Histories provided the local with the keepsake History Book at NO COST for the event, while also assisting with many additional event design items — all also at no cost! UH sold ads for the book and sponsorships for the event and helped the local fund the celebration and printing of the book!

Click on the Cover to the left to see the full Local 72 History Book!

"Union Histories was a huge asset in planning and pulling off our 125th Anniversary Celebration. The Union Histories staff was very thorough and stayed on top of the entire process from start to finish. Despite of all the changes and curves that we threw their way, they helped us to pull off an event that exceeded all expectations! Not to mention, all of their support and help and an awesome History Book were ALL AT NO COST TO THE LOCAL!"

Jeff Housworth, Business Manager, U.A. Plumbers Local No. 72