Preserving the Proud Stories of Local Unions

UNION HISTORIES is the ONLY company that focuses solely on
Local Union Histories and Events for Organized-Labor Institutions.

UNION HISTORIES thoroughly researches and expertly produces the Proud Stories of Local Unions and other Organized-Labor Institutions in keepsake History Books.

U.A. Plumbers Local No. 198
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Ironworkers Local 392
East St. Louis, Illinois
I.U.E.C. Local No. 1
New York & New Jersey
Operating Engineers Int’l.
United States and Canada
NY Helmets To Hardhats
New York City, New York

No-Cost History Book Production

UNION HISTORIES produces NO-COST history books for union locals celebrating special events and anniversaries.

We sell Sponsorships and Advertisements for the Books and Events, so THERE ARE NO FEES for our services -- and we provide our organized-labor clients with a portion of Sponsorship and Advertising sales conducted by UNION HISTORIES to help fund printing of the Book and Event costs!

Union Event Management

Through our UNION EVENTS Department, UNION HISTORIES provides full event-management services to unions and related institutions.

Our Events Management Professionals completely plan and execute any Special Event— from anniversaries to conferences — for unions, locals and other organized-labor organizations from start to finish! LEARN MORE ABOUT UNION EVENTS.

International Union of Elevator Constructors Local 4 Boston | Union Histories Event
I.U.E.C. Local 4

125th Anniversary

Ironworkers Local 392 East St. Louis | Union Histories Event
Ironworkers Local No. 392

100th Anniversary Celebration Dinner-Dance

IUEC Elevator Constructors Local 71 Miami South Florida | Union Histories Event
I.U.E.C. Local No. 71

100th Anniversary Celebration Dinner-Dance

IUPAT Glaziers Local 357

I.U.E.C. Local No. 71

U.A. Plumbers Local No. 101
Belleville, Illinois

Lathers and Ironworkers Local 46L
New York City

U.A. Plumbers Local No. 375
Fairbanks, Alaska