Roofers Local 12 dedicated craftspeople have been serving southern Connecticut and the Roofing Industry since 1919 – and the local celebrated its special 100th Anniversary with a Gala Dinner-Dance Event on December 7, 2019.
Union Histories produced a full History Book of Local 12’s 100-year history for the event, which was presented to all attendees and special guests. Union Histories also produced a video slideshow of historic photos, invitations, a logo and signage for the celebration -- all at NO COST to the local, as Union Histories generated funds through sponsorship and advertising sales on behalf of the local.
Union Histories also produced an HISTORIC VIDEO for the local that highlighted the landmark events over the local's century of existence, complete with interviews of some of its most notable officers and members.
Click on the Cover to the left to see the full Local 12 History Book.