I.B.E.W. Local No. 466

Charleston, West Virginia

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Chartered on January 23, 1914, IBEW Local 466 celebrated 100 years of serving the inside electrical industry and the communities of West Virginia and parts of Virginia with a celebration on April 12, 2014.

Union Histories created a History Program Book — complete with the full history of the local — for the event at NO COST to the local, and Union Histories was also able to contribute the printing costs of the book!

Click on the Cover to the left to see the full Local 466 History Book!

"Without the professional help of Union Histories, our 100th-anniversary party would not have come close to the success it was. The book they put together was of the finest quality by all standards of workmanship and content, and I have had numerous calls from our members bragging about the book! I would recommend that any local union with a landmark year coming up contact Union Histories."

Dana "Joe" Samples, Business Manager, IBEW Local 466